Online Training
for Your Entrepreneurs,
Incubators, Accelerators and Enterprise Developers
Free up your and your mentors' valuable time to focus on strategy, funding and market access, while we teach your entrepreneurs all the essentials through focused online courses.
Benefits for Your Entrepreneurs
How does it work?
- You buy a set of licences for your entrepreneurs for the courses that you wish to include in their training. You get preferential pricing based on the number of licences. They get lifelong access to the courses that you buy.
- You receive regular updates on entrepreneur progress and course completion.
- Live Q&A (question & answer) sessions can be included in the training package to help ensure course completion.
It's as simple as that!
❓ FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
Incubators, accelerators, enterprise development specialists, supplier development programs and corporate social investment programs can all benefit - any organization that provides support to entrepreneurs and small businesses.
See the "All Courses" section on the Moolman Institute website.
The following courses and course series are currently available:
The following future courses will be added to the portfolio over time:
The following courses and course series are currently available:
- Financial Modeling for Entrepreneurs (4 courses: 101 - Master the Key Financial Concepts; 201 - Kickstart Your Spreadsheet Skills; 301 - How to Understand and Analyze Financial Statements; 401 - Build Your Own Financial Model)
- Opportunity Assessment for Entrepreneurs and Innovators
The following future courses will be added to the portfolio over time:
- Introduction to Valuation of Technology IP and Start-Ups
- IP Fundamentals
- Business Model & Strategy Development
- Business Plan & Proposal Writing
- Term Sheet and Licence Agreement Basics
- Sales & Marketing Fundamentals
- Fundraising & Pitching
- Leadership
One entrepreneur per licence - only one course completion certificate is issued for each course in a licence.